HI am a 29 yr old with 3 kids ages 13,11 and 7 I have had
almost the samething happen with my son he only would eat cearal and nothing else,but once he was around other children his own age and saw them eating other things he wanted to try.Maybe daycare will help your child learn to eat by ex. Hope things get beter for you. If cheerios
is the only thing you can get your child to eat t least it is something dont worry to much it will get better.
Let me know how things are. Scincerly mamachef
My only suggestion is to try PediaSure - it is a nutritioanl supplement and tastes like a milkshake... it is just for kids - over the age of 1. Try it... that is what my daughter drinks... I understand that it has all the nutritional value they need.
Hello, My name is Tracy. I have three girls and the youngest one is 13months old. She is not a big eater at all. She has been in the 0-3% of the growth chart in her weight. I give her the bottle still. Her doctor gave her medicine for acid reflux several months ago. I believe it helped only a little.
I work hard at giving her very healthy items during the day and at feeding times due to she is not going to eat much. I give peanut butter crackers, cheese cut up, eggs, mix veggies, noodles, gerber snacks, and apple sauce to name many. I don't cut up items to small because she will not chew as well. If the items are something she can hold she does better at taking small bites and chewing better. I want her to feed herself as much as possible. Oh, I forgot mashed potatoes and oatmeal. I listed the foods my picky eater eats the best. I continue to try many other foods. I will say she started eating better after I started giving her table food vs. baby jar foods.
As far as teaching to chew I am not sure. I still just say chew, chew, chew to my 13 month old and 3 yr old. I make the action due to children like doing what we do.
Lastly, children are usually well better off than we realize. If the doctor shows no concerns that should help. Keeping fluids in them are most important. I still use formula "Next Step" per the doctor request due to her size.
Good Luck with your changes in life work-daycare.
Mountaintop, PA
I would like to thank all of you for your wonderful suggestions. My duaghter has improved her chewing. She is no longer on pureed stuff. But still needs distractions ( like t.v ) to eat her food. She eats first few bites by herself and after that she loses her interest in eating…after that it becomes my job to distract and feed her…sometimes it’s very hard since she is too stuborn. She doesn’t eat much at daycare…I am hoping that she will learn to eat by herself and without distractions soon. All I can do is hope!!!
Again, Thanks all of you for your response.