13 year old boy GIFT idea?????

gift card for gamestop or gaming store is always good,

IF he has an I POD get a I TUNES gift card! Its perfect because they can go purchase their own type of music. If not, since he is in to skate boarding ACADEMY has the coolest shoes that the skateboarders typically wear for around $35.00. GOOD LUCK!

Hi, I know this is too late for Christmas but this is the first time I have had a chance to read the letters from MamaSource. Maybe this information will help you in the future....

If you shop online...check this out!
Ok guys! I have done most of my shopping online since gas is so expensive and I hate to shop with little ones. So, after talking with a friend of mine, she mentioned this company to me that is contracted with over 200,000 merchants to actually pay us for shopping online with them. I could've gotten paid for almost everything I bought this week!! (If I would've bought Halo 3 for XBox 360 here, I would've saved 16% AND got money back!) I may even return a few things in order to make some money while saving money. I checked it out and then got really excited and I'm sending the link to you.

Before you spend any more money, go to the first link and click on the video to hear from the guy who started it all...he explains how it works. Then, if you are interested or just want to check out what companies are involved (like I did at first) then click on the second link. Target just joined on Wednesday but they aren't listed yet. It takes a few days to get the new companies updated. Let me know what you think!

1st link - www.extremesavings.tv

2nd link - http://extremesavings.net/dr3071

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Dr. Cindy L. Russell
Doctor of Naturopathy
Doctor of Chiropractic
[email protected]

Run to any store with skateboarder salesmen and request maintance items such as lubrications or grips for standard skateboards and make a small package for him.