Hello fellow moms! I need some help here, my daughter has been suffering from a really bad diaper rash for the past week, I've tried desitin original and balmex, but no relief. So I was wondering if any of you wonderful moms have great suggestions on what products to use to get rid of this, thank you so much ladies!
Have you tried Boudreaux's Butt Paste? We've usually had good luck with it.
You may not be experiencing any luck with those rash medications if she has a yeast infection which can masquerade as a really bad diaperrash and advance fairly quickly. You can tell if it is infact yeast by the broken skin and if it is very raw and bleeding it is most likely yeast. You will need the Doc to give the baby meds if you want to cure it quickly and you will as yeast overgrowth can take over the entire intestinal tract of a baby. If you do suspect yeast, you can put a few tbs. of vinegar in her bath then let her diaper area air dry.
There are other reasons why she might have a worse that usual rash, there might be a fungal or bacterial infection. You're best bet is to get the baby to the doc so that he/she can rule out the most dangerous causes and provide prompt treatment for the existing cause.
make sure if it is diaper rash to let her air dry more often. As soon as my son starts to look a little red i give him a bath and let him air dry. i have had to clean up a few piddle accidents but he has never had a horrible diaper rash after i do that. good luck. if the creams aren't working she may have developed a zinc allergy my sons best friend had that so she can't use diaper cream. you can also start putting corn starch in her diapers it will help to keep the area dry.
Our dr. gave us a prescription for "PoopGoop#2" yes that's the name and it worked wonders when nothing else over the counter worked.
Hi Audra
I just wanted to say if you think it is a yeast infection DON'T put cornstarch in her diaper. yeast thrives on sugar and that is basically what corn starch is. Good Luck Tiffany
I really like triple paste CVS and walgreens has it. It worked really well.
If it is bright red and a little bumpy and/or bleeding, it is probably yeast. My son has had it before, and our doctor told me to get clotrimazole and also gave him a prescription butt paste that is mixed right in the pharmacy- BEST EVER!!! Actually the one we got from the pharmacy at Children's Hospital was the best ever, but the Walgreens kind was second best. I am usually a fan of Bordeaux's Butt Paste, but the kind from the pharmacy was sooo far superior!!! For the yeast, you can get clotrimazole anywhere [jock itch cream...one brand name is Lotrimin but almost every store has a store brand kind for cheaper]. You put a thin layer of that on, and then cover it with your usual diaper rash cream. Should stop getting worse right away, and takes a few days to go away completely.
I second Beth H. on the prescription "poop goop". It's thick and a little harder to apply than desitin but my son used to get diaper rash very easily from different foods and this cleared it up quickly.
My daughter was sensitive to the wipes we used, so see if changing to a different type helps too- no cheap ones for her, any thing other than the thick huggies ones for her. She alsocan't wear the cold feeling pull ups- instant rash.
A and D ointment is the only thing that worked with my daughter. I used the gold treatment, its in a brown box next to all the other diaper rash things. Hope it works for you!
Once with my daughter, none of the creams helped! I went to straight cornstarch: I would wipe/dab at every change, then either let her air dry for a couple of minutes or blow (mouth) dry, and then I had a little bowl of regular old cornstarch and would dump it on, with her bottom already on the diaper. It would stick to the raw parts, which the creams just wouldn't do. It took about a week, but she stopped being bothered by the rash on the 2nd day. Oh, and I know it's getting harder, but giving her bottom some sunshine time can really help too, and letting her go bare inside for a couple of minutes a couple of times a day. As moms, we want to try and contain the mess, but we forget/ don't know how uncomfortable it is to be wrapped up all the time in paper and gel! Good luck!
I agree with many of the moms who have suggested yeast. I treated my daughter's yeast infection with probiotics and diluted Tea Tree oil. When I took her into the doctor, they said, "whatever you're doing is working. She doesn't need a prescription, just keep doing what ever you're doing."
Just take a really good quality probiotic and mix it into her food. Then dilute some tea tree oil in olive oil, cocnut oil or almond oil and put it on the yeast rash a few times a day. You'll see an inprovement right away. Avoid crackes skin if she has any.
Hopefully this can help you. My mom is originally from Germany, its old-fashion and it's a little more "natural way", but it worked for us. Make a strong "tea" of camomille flower tea, (any grocery or natural food store should have it) soak a soft cloth, like a cloth diaper, gently squezze it out and use it as a compress. Use it warm, not hot of course, but not cold either, 'cause who would want that? :) Let you baby girl just lay, maybe as she watches a little t.v. and lay it on her butt. You can do this as often as you like, obviously, the more often, the better. Follow up with some pure Vitamin E oil, not pill form (but that would work too) but in a little bottle, you can get it at any Walgreens. Spread a good amount around. And most of all, let her little butt BREATHE, let her go butt bare, for periods of time. Better to clean a little tinkle than suffer with monkey butt! Good luck.
~Dorothy S.
A&D Ointment. The ointment not the creme. It's in a gold box and works wonders. We've used it on both of our daughters with every single diaper change since birth for prevention of diaper rash and they have never gotten diaper rash. When my friend's daughter got a horrible diaper rash I forced her to try it (she just didn't think it would work since it wasn't a creme) and the rash cleared immediately. Just so you know, the A & D creme, in the blue box, does not work though!!!
I always used Saratoga ointment. Works really well but kind of pricey. I usually had to ask the Pharmacist for it even though it's not a prescption.
I really liked the Aveeno diaper rash cream. It is thicker than some of the other creams and seemed to help our son clear up quickly.
Aquaphor - made by Eucerin. It's a combination of petroleum jelly and lotion, and it works FABULOUSLY.
This happens to our son, especially when he's teething. We have used the Desitin that is more powerful than the original, Butt Paste, baking soda (to dry it out), letting him go without a diaper for awhile, vinegar baths, and Lotrimin (it's actually for foot fungus but our pediatrician recommended it)
We were fortunate that our son didn't have diaper rash very often --- but when he did Triple Paste (kept on regularily) did the trick in a day or two.
It is a little pricey and goes on thick, but I know several other parents who'd recommend it too.
We got ours at Target.