1 year Anniversary Gift Ideas?

Hi, I've been thinking and thinking and now it's here and no gift or plan ideas! My husband and my 1st year anniversary is here and my focus all year has been baby that I would really love to do something special for my husband. If anybody can send me any ideas for gifts or planning something special that would be great. THANK YOU, THANK YOU in advance!

Get a babysitter, if that is possible, and give him you! Yes, I know it's hard to leave baby, but many times, after a baby comes, Husbands really "miss" their wives & spending one on one time with them solo. Have a "date" together and do something that is sentimental or that you used to do while dating....

Or, have a party for him.... a surprise party!

Good luck and congratulations!

I second that! Definitely go out on a date and leave the baby with a relative if that is possible. You and your hubby need your special time to focus on each other. Don't let your relationship go by the wayside, it's what holds the family together. I also gave a my hubby a gold pocket watch inscribed with the date. Not very practical but he loved it.

I think the first anniversary is paper so why not get some tickets to something that you both would enjoy?

Since 1 YR is paper, why not have some intimate photos taken of the two of you. They don't have to be nueds, they can be very classy with a tank top on you and shirtless for him, unless of course you want to go nude. It will be fun and something for the two of you to enjoy then and later.

From the mind of a photographer :)

After baby goes down for the evening YOU draw a hot bath, add candelight and put on your "our song" music. Add Arbonne Purifying Sea Soak to the water. While he is in the tub bring him his favorite beverage and a copy of his favorite magazine or book. After the bath YOU apply Re-Mineralizing Body Lotion to his body continue to your bedroom. In bed have a wondeful decadent dessert that you can both enjoy...in other words treat him like a King! Tell him even though you have been busy with the Baby you love him and THANK him for being a good Husband and Father. Make him a "Special Card" dress in his favorite attire and have a very special intimate evening with him. Call me for more ideas at 559-288-3675...have fun!!

Congrats on one year and the baby. It would be really nice to get away my husband and I have a two year old and a 5 month old. If you can't get away order him a gift album. There is one for steak and lobster dinner. Give the gift of choice. Check out the albums at www.lwoods.ordermygift.com If you live close to the Bellflower area I could meet you and show you the albums. They have one for every occasion. E-mail me for more info. [email protected]
Hope to hear from you soon.

Take care

A perfect gift for a 1st anniversary is First Anniversary Gift | Dedicate a Day to Your Loved One!, where you dedicate your special day to your love :slight_smile: It’s especially great for the first anniversary because it combines the traditional with the modern gift recommendations into one awesome, unique gift!